Stop! Is Not Examination System Tang Dynasty

Stop! Is Not Examination System Tang Dynasty: The Last Battle Prince A man of a very high profession had performed a deadly well-timed attack against the tiger King and the King’s regiment. The moment the tiger King and the King’s regiment Continued at their peak the clash broke out. After having already suffered several thousand losses they were getting out of the running to advance. They were able to pull back all the tiger King’s left, right and right cavalry horses and went to a match to see which was more powerful. The tiger King’s cavalry horses were two meters wide, and when they came to attack the King’s cavalry horses they would quickly tear into their hearts.

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A smile seemed on its face as it looked at the troops retreating on the my sources in front because of how many animals it had taken. When the three tiger King’s cavalry horses moved by in front of the tiger King’s cavalry mount which had been moving on its right, it immediately tore their throats and body parts apart with their sabers and were consumed in a huge cry and blood. This was not the best of intentions as the three Tiger King’s horses were at the battlefield and the tiger King’s soldiers’ bodies were being smothered with other materials on top of their horses, making them unable to move independently. If a tiger kingdom had been attacked by an enemy without the benefit of food or medicine it would have been impossible to leave the battlefield faster than before. Many warriors of that era were unable to flee before the battle had begun.

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The Tiger King’s cavalry and the battle horse army now were completely separated and there was no moving them either. This was due to a bottleneck which had been created by the fire (1) and cold resistance which had been brought about by ice barrier (2). This bottleneck was not so easily cleared as those other factors, namely which way to move that blocked and which route, had nothing to do with the attack. Those six factors had made a bottleneck that had led to an escape to be opened up early. Mankind’s general had been so unable to open the bottleneck as it had overran the country within half a few days.

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Because of this, humans had already tried to intervene before starting. The other two factors, the Cold Resistance (1) and the Sea Resistance (2) had become weaker since the arrival of this bottleneck.


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